

A devoted pet lover and storyteller extraordinaire! I'm on a mission to bring the magical world of our furry companions—cats and dogs—to life through heartwarming tales, practical tips, and genuine experiences. 🐾

How Much Should I Feed My Kitten?

“How often do I need to feed a kitten?” and “What’s the right amount of food should I give my kitten?” are common questions we all ask when getting ready for our new and tiny family member. Here, you’ll get…

What Should I Do If My Kitten is Not Eating?

Is your kitten not eating? Here are a few possible reasons why your furry friend might be refusing food and some tips to help them start eating. Why Isn’t My Kitten Eating? There are a few reasons why your kitten…

Do Indoor Cats Kill Mice?

We’ve all watched those classic cartoons where cats chase mice. Often, the clever mouse outsmarts the cat and escapes in a stylish way. Do such mouse hunts happen in real life, though? Well, in reality, even though cats are domesticated,…

Are Cats Safe For Kids? – All You Need to Know

Are you thinking about getting a cat? Being clued in on how it might affect your kids is key to making sure everyone—kids and the new fluffy friend—feels safe and happy at home. Many sites and forums online might suggest…