Category Senior Cats

8 Things Your Senior Cat Wants You to Know

As veterinary care improves and more people consider their pets as part of their family, taking care of senior cats is really important nowadays. If your elderly cat could speak, here are some important things they’d want you to know…

Alarming Behavior Changes in Senior Cats

Is your cat acting differently as they grow older? Some cats may become more nervous, forgetful, defensive, or even noisier in their later years. It’s important not to overlook changes in your cat’s behavior, as they could indicate underlying health…

How to Groom Your Senior Cat – Full Guide

As cats get older, they may groom themselves less, which can result in tangled hair, skin discomfort, and unpleasant smells. Senior cats often require some extra help with their grooming routine, and that’s where pet owners can step in to…