Zahra Hall

Zahra Hall

Hey there! I'm Zahra, a student deeply engrossed in the realm of Animal Behavior Studies. I spend my days exploring the intricate behavior patterns of our furry friends to understand their world better.

Why Does My Kitten Keep Crying? – 6 Reasons

Congratulations on welcoming a new kitten into your home! As your furry friend gets used to their new surroundings, you might hear them making sounds that seem like crying. It can be upsetting to hear kittens cry, but don’t worry!…

Alarming Behavior Changes in Senior Cats

Is your cat acting differently as they grow older? Some cats may become more nervous, forgetful, defensive, or even noisier in their later years. It’s important not to overlook changes in your cat’s behavior, as they could indicate underlying health…

Should I Feed My Indoor Cat Grass?

Offering your indoor cat some fresh grass can help fulfill their natural urge to chew and might even boost their health. Certain broad-leafed grass types like oat, rye, barley, wheat, alfalfa, and cocksfoot, often known as ‘cat grass,’ are safe…