Stages of Kitten Development: First Weeks & Months

Kittens are adorable, fun-loving, energetic, and affectionate pets. As they grow, their bodies, social skills, and thinking abilities all change.

Knowing about these changes helps us know what to expect and how to take good care of them. This way, we can make sure our kittens become happy, healthy, and well-behaved cats.

Photo: Chevon Rossouw

Kittens grow quickly, usually becoming mature around 10-12 months old. Their growth slows down by about 30 weeks old.

Although growth speed differs among breeds, the first few months after birth are crucial for all kittens.

Photo: Catster

A lot happens during a kitten’s first year. It’s amazing how a small, meowing baby that fits in your hand can turn into a full-grown cat in just twelve months. The most remarkable transformations usually occur during the first eight weeks

Take a look at this timeline to see when your kitten will reach certain milestones on its journey to becoming a cat.

Birth to 1 Week Old

Photo: Reynaldo Yodia

Kittens are considered newborns from birth until about one week old. During this time, their eyes and ears are closed, and they depend entirely on their mothers for care.

Newborn kittens spend most of their time sleeping and are unable to see, hear, or move much.

They are very small, usually weighing between 1.8 and 5.3 ounces, and can easily fit in the palm of your hand.

Read Also: How Many Kittens Can A Cat Have?

1-3 Weeks Old: Early Development

Photo: Archibald Marajas

Between 1 and 3 weeks old, kittens grow and develop quickly. They start to hear and see, and they also begin to learn how to walk.

During this time, their eyes and ears open, and their sight and hearing gradually get better. Their coordination improves, too. By the end of week one, kittens can hold their heads up and move around a bit. By week two, they attempt to walk, although they may be unsteady and only do so briefly. Their walking improves throughout week three.

Kittens should gain weight steadily during this period. Here are the expected weight ranges for kittens between weeks one and three:

  • Week one: 5.3 to 8.8 ounces
  • Week two: 8.8 to 12.3 ounces
  • Week three: 12.3 to 15.9 ounces

Read More: How to Feed and Care For a Newborn Kitten With no Mother

3-5 Weeks Old: Exploration and Growth

Photo: Michelle_Raponi

During this period, kittens start to play and explore their surroundings. They become more independent from their mother and show more interest in people.

Their coordination improves steadily. By week four, they should be walking well and starting to play, and by week five, they may even be running. Kittens begin using the litterbox and trying to groom themselves, although they might not be very skilled at it yet. They can start eating solid food around week five but may still nurse occasionally for a few weeks.

Kittens should keep growing steadily during this time. Here are the expected weight ranges for kittens between weeks four and five:

  • Week four: 15.9 ounces to 1.2 pounds
  • Week five: 1.2 to 1.4 pounds

6-8 Weeks Old: Playful Discoveries

Photo: Michelle_Raponi

During this stage, kittens are all about playing. They enjoy interacting with their littermates and people, and they are improving their coordination skills.

At six weeks old, kittens should be capable of jumping off low furniture and landing safely on their feet. By week seven, they start to jump up and climb on things. By week eight, they can confidently run, jump, and climb.

Here are the expected weight ranges for kittens between weeks six and eight:

  • Week six: 1.4 to 1.7 pounds
  • Week seven: 1.7 to 1.9 pounds
  • Week eight: 1.9 to 2.1 pounds

9-12 Weeks Old: Transitional Period

Photo: Toni Rosati

During this period, kittens remain playful as they learn to be more like adult cats. They continue to grow physically and mentally but start behaving more like typical cats. Many kittens are adopted during this time.

They should be eating kitten food exclusively, improving their grooming skills, and using the litterbox consistently.

Kittens should weigh around 3 pounds between 9 and 12 weeks old.

Read More: How Long Do Indoor Cats Live?

3-6 Months Old: Final Stretch of Kittenhood

Photo: Pexels

Between 3 and 6 months old marks the final stretch of kittenhood. Kittens remain curious and playful during this time, enjoying exploration and playtime. However, as they grow older, they begin to exhibit behaviors more typical of young adult cats.

It’s important to keep encouraging play and exploration at this stage. Additionally, continue socializing your kitten with new people, animals, and surroundings to help them adapt to various environments.

6 Months to 1 Year Old: Adolescence to Adulthood

Photo: Cats Coming

Between six months and one year old, your cat should start acting more like an adult. While they’ll still be playful and energetic, they won’t have the same intense bursts of energy as when they were younger.

By around one year old, kittens are considered adults and should behave accordingly. They become emotionally and physically mature during this time. Additionally, kittens can be spayed during this period.

Read More: Is My Cat Aging? – 7 Signs Your Cat is Getting Older

A: Redirect your kitten’s attention to toys by actively engaging her in play with toys that encourage natural behaviors like pouncing, chasing, and wrestling. Ensure toys are readily available and accessible throughout your home.

A: Provide appropriate outlets for your kitten’s energy with interactive toys and regular play sessions. If rough play continues, discourage it using gentle aversive techniques like a squirt bottle or pressurized air, followed by immediate redirection to a toy.

A: Offer scratching posts and pads in various locations around your home, encouraging your kitten to use them by applying catnip or dangling toys nearby. Trim your kitten’s nails regularly and provide alternatives to redirect her scratching behavior.

A: Place multiple litter boxes in quiet, accessible areas of your home and keep them clean. Encourage proper litter box usage by gently placing your kitten in the box after meals or naps and praising her when she uses it correctly. Avoid punishing accidents as this can lead to fear or anxiety around the litter box.

Isn’t this adorable?? 😍

Watching a kitten grow and develop is a truly rewarding experience. From the tiny, helpless newborn to the playful, curious explorer, each stage brings its own joys and challenges. By understanding the milestones of kitten development, we can provide the best care and support to ensure our furry friends grow into happy, healthy, and well-adjusted adult cats.

Remember, every kitten is unique, and development may vary slightly from one individual to another. Patience, love, and consistent guidance are key in nurturing your kitten through each stage of their journey. Enjoy every moment with your growing feline companion, and cherish the bond that grows stronger with each passing week.

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From a childhood filled with furry companions to nurturing a love for greenery, I'm Elizabeth, a dedicated pet parent, plant enthusiast, and small business owner.

Articles: 13

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